09 May What do teams need to adapt to change and innovate repeatedly?
We already know that, increasingly, the success of organizations depends on the work done by their teams, which can take shape in many ways: teams that make up a unit or department, teams that work on specific projects, ephemeral teams set up to face crisis situations, etc.
The reality is that the time dedicated to collaborative actions exceeds 50% and, in many organizations, more than 75% of the daily dedication of a professional consists of working and interacting with their colleagues.
In companies or institutions focused on systematically finding better solutions to the needs of their clients or users and overcoming errors and problems, collaborative work acquires great importance. And it goes without saying that this is the reality of most organizations. A study carried out in Silicon Valley among software engineers showed that teamwork not only allowed to accelerate innovation, anticipate errors and find better solutions to problems and needs, but also significantly increase both the profitability of the projects and the satisfaction of the collaborators.
Teams based on capabilities, skills and the disposition of their members often do not achieve the expected results or their members do not feel satisfied. Google’s Aristotle Project (2012-15) shows that what makes teams obtain better results and grow consistently are operating principles that have to do with everyone feeling legitimized and called to participate, and with a high level of understanding of emotions from the signals emitted, for example, by facial expressions or the tone of voice of their peers.
Several authors have focused on analyzing this Aristotle Project and from them we can conclude that the six aspects that make teams adapt better and faster to changes and make them more innovative are psychological security, trust, clarity, meaning, impact and shared vision.
© The FITA Institute (2022)